Thursday, February 18, 2010

Decadence portrait

Model JJ Calderón, my step bro, a really nice model. Part of a series of fashion portraits. Color is given for light setting. PS only for crop. Comments and critics are welcomed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Objectified objects

Again making photo graphisms. Playing and learning about light use. Some petals and other thingd found on the trash. No PS toning or effects only crop and a bit of RAW adjustments in LightRoom 2.

Comments and critics are welcomed.

Thanks to my bro for the camera.

Bigger :here: & :here:

Monday, February 08, 2010

My works included in Jaxta Design – Mis trabajos incluidos en Jaxta Design

Logo Jaxta Design
Today the great people of Jaxta Design, send me the link to the new number of that great e-zine and some of my fractal works have been included. Take a look to it here.

Hoy mis amigos de Jaxta Design me han enviado el link al nuevo número del e-zine. Con algunos de mis trabajos en fractales incluidos. Se puede ver acá.

Thanks a lot, is great to be included among great artists.

Monday, February 01, 2010

New photo toning test - Nueva prueba de tonos en foto

New test of toning for an incoming project, model my bro JJ.

Nueva prueba de tonos para un proyecto en camino, modelo my hermano JJ.